20 May Is Over-Development Over?
The last two days of hearings before the Land Use Commission (LUC) were not only illuminating, but the second day of testimony ended with potential exciting news for Kapaa and the island. When developer, HG Kauai Joint Venture LLC, rested/ended its presentation Thursday afternoon, a Motion to Dismiss made by Commissioner Gary Okuda and seconded by Kauai Commissioner Dan Giovanni, made it clear that, for at least several Commissioners, the Petitioner/Developer had failed to meet its burden of proof in its bid to the LUC to change 97 acres of Ag to Urban for the development of Hokua Place (HP).
If built, HP would be the largest and densest development on island to be located in the densest part of the island, already overburdened with so much traffic the highway is known as the Kapaa crawl. Putting this dense a development behind the Kapaa Middle School and just mauka of the Kapaa Bypass, would make travel through the Kapaa traffic corridor like going from a bad dream to a total nightmare.
Thankfully, the Commissioners recognized and identified serious deficiencies in the traffic impact, potable water, sewer/wastewater and environmental assessment. Because the pending LUC Motion, if passed, will deny Petitioner’s bid to re-zone 97 acres of historic Ag land, all parties have been given an opportunity to submit written arguments in either support or opposition to the Motion to Dismiss. Our lawyers are hard at work preparing our support for the LUC Motion as well as a Motion to Dismiss on behalf of Interveenor, Liko Martin. All arguments are due May 27, 2021. The Commission will meet next June 10 and we hope to have good news to share soon thereafter.
Needless to say, the LUC decision will be critical to our quality of life on Kauai. It was good to hear our County Attorney bring to the LUC’s attention the fact that one of the four pivotal goals of the 2018 Kauai General Plan Update is to “Keep Kauai Rural”. Bottom line, we deeply appreciate all donations received to fund our opposition to this bad idea. For those who can still help, the link below will help us cover our legal fees and costs which to date are in excess of $25,000. It does look like we will have another success in our efforts to protect and preserve the environment and lifestyle on Kauai.
Link for donation
TGI Coverage this Past Sunday
Land Commission may deny Kapa‘a rezoning
Links to LUC Hearings Last Week
Topic: State Land Use Commission Hearing
Date: May 13, 2021 08:46 AM Hawaii
Passcode: *8nFQ=QR
Topic: State Land Use Commission Meeting
Date: May 12, 2021 08:43 AM Hawaii
Passcode: &Q85c2!u
Mahalo nui loa,
Bridget Hammerquist, President
Friends of Maha`ulepu, a 501(c)(3)